Del Oro
Game Four
September 12, 2020 4:00 pm
Golden Eagles
Del oro
2940 Leonard Ave
Clovis, CA 93619
Head Coach: Ryan Reynolds
Mascot: Timberwolves
2019: 4-7
CA: #192
In the late 1990s, the population in southeast Clovis was booming, with people arriving on the previously undeveloped agricultural land as fast as new subdivisions could accommodate them. Clovis Unified administration was acutely aware of the need for new schools in the area as growth was expected to continue. At the top of the list of needs were a new intermediate school and a new high school. Clovis East High School, so named for its geographical location within CUSD’s boundaries, was not always going to be “Clovis East.” The name Clovis Colony High School was initially approved by CUSD’s Governing Board for the first new high school the district had built in 10 years.
Kevin Kerney

The Visiting Clovis East Timberwolves will be the first team in The Honor Bowl from the Fresno area! Head Coach Ryan Reynolds has experienced two other Honor Bowls when he was DC with Clayton and jumped at the chance to participate as a Head Coach! Clovis East finished 4-7 in ’19 and are in the TRAC, one of the toughest leagues in the state! Watch for returning QB Sean Kelly, an athletic and intelligent player. Matthew Mejardo is returning as Center and a core leader. OLB rising Jr Devin Lopez will play on both sides of line as a RB. DL Richard Garcia and Brandon Contreras will anchor the D Line.
#BayAreavsFresno – East Bay and Fresno Battle It Out!